Should iMessage be Universal? – article 3

In an article written by Navneet Alang, posted to the Week, Alang describes the issue that  Apple and Android users share: not having the same messaging app. He expresses his frustration, as an Apple user, with how exclusive iMessage is. He elaborates on this by  explaining that users with iPhones and users with Androids cannot text …

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Gun Control- Everywhere but America? Opinion Article 2

In an Article posted by USA Today, the author reports on a recent shooting and mass murder that occurred in New Zealand on March 15. The gunman shot and killed 50 innocent people worshipping at a mosque. The author takes note that guns have played an important role in the United States, Australia, and New …

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Our Wall

Charles Bowden writes about the U.S.-Mexican border wall issue. He states that he does not agree with it and presents information on why he disagrees. His purpose is to inform the reader about the issue, give information about the opposing side, and explain how the wall is failing "to deliver security [despite] it keep expanding". …

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Women’s Brains

Gould's purpose in this essay is to refute the false claims that scientists, such as Paul Broca, have made about women being less intelligent because their brains are smaller. Gould calls Broca's credibility into question when he brings up his data and conclusions that he drew from it. Broca claims that women are less intelligent …

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